BUSD GATE Vision Statement

To provide a comprehensive high-quality program that meets the intellectual, academic, and social/emotional needs of all Intellectually Gifted students in the Burbank Unified School District.

BUSD GATE Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Burbank Unified School District’s Gifted and Talented Education Program, in partnership with parents, community, and staff, to provide a high-quality educational program for gifted students in order to develop their knowledge, skills, abilities, and values. The district’s GATE program currently serves one category of gifted students: intellectually gifted—students with high potential in the areas of abstract thinking and reasoning ability as applied to school learning situations.


Students are identified for our GATE program via BUSD's GATE Identification Process. Once identified, students are placed into cohorts with other GATE-identified students in 4th and 5th grade along with other same-aged peers.

The core of our GATE program is based on classroom instruction. Teachers differentiate for gifted learners by exploring depth of content knowledge, complexity and inter-relation of relevant topics, and, when appropriate, acceleration and pacing of lessons.


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